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Meet the Girls 💞

Writer: Jiggly JoggersJiggly Joggers

Meet one of our most improved Jiggly award winners 2020 🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️

Hi I'm Janet, 57 and have been a civil servant in the same job for more years than many jigglies have been alive 😄 I am married to my soulmate Hugh who is a child care practitioner, also doing bookbug and workshops at Motherwell Heritage centre. I was born in London and have lived in Scotland since 1975. I have epilepsy, thankfully well controlled and wear hearing aids. Sadly a miscarriage a number of years ago and medication means we don't have children we have two cats Casper and Livingstone who definitely have a love/hate relationship! Hugh and I volunteer at the Britannia Panopticon Music Hall in Argyle Street the oldest music hall in the world where Stan Laurel debuted. My family ancestry is theatrical and while doing research found out by chance my great great uncle Harry Braham had appeared there being quite famous in his day. This led to me writing a book about him which was published in 2014. Menopause hit with its challenges leaving me miserable. While taking our cats to board with Jacquie el kasaby I remarked how well she looked she enthused about the reason - the jiggly joggers. I had never run hated exercise and the thought of the cold and wet😱 months went by, feeling the same way I took a leap of faith, my nerves nearly failing me and contacted Elaine who immediately put me at ease and I joined in September 2019. From never exercising and usually giving things up I'm now training for a 10k - in the cold and wet 😂 In February last year I ran my fastest park run, but pride comes before a fall they say and I fell downstairs the following day damaging tendons and ligaments in my foot which put me on the bench till August. I rejoined the refresher course and was incredibly surprised and honoured to be voted most improved Jiggly in December as I seemed to speed up! I'm still what I would call a slower paced jiggly but the brilliant thing is that pace size ability or age doesn't matter, no jiggly is left behind, the mantra of which will become obvious when we are eventually able to go out in groups again and which encouraged me to stick with it when so many times I could have given up. The support of the jigglies have definitely improved my life for the better - and all because of a couple of cats! ❣Stay safe, enjoy your jiggly journey and hopefully we shall all meet in a sea of pink at a park run! ❤


1 Comment

Unknown member
Feb 23, 2021

Janet you are never going to believe this! I worked with Hugh a couple of years back when he was doing his childcare training. I was a CDO in Indigo Garrowhill at the time. Such a lovely man. Recognised him straight away. What a smashing couple you are ❤️ and what a small world x

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